This is the finest, premium quality, acrylic latex sports court coating available from modern chemical technology. Sports floor Coating has been specially formulated to create a skid-resistant surface when applied on tennis courts, handball courts, basketball courts, paddle courts, volleyball courts, etc. It will provide a seal, weatherproof, protect and preserve any firm surface, making it more attractive at the same time, It dries quickly, providing an exceptionally tough, durable finish.
Texel Agency is a premium quality epoxy sports flooring and coating service company. We have been in business for over 20 years, specializing in high-end projects.
We have an acrylic latex epoxy sports flooring service that is waterproof and durable. And an epoxy sports flooring that is skid resistant with a long-lasting finish.
Texel Agency stands out because of our premium quality, which is guaranteed to last the longest. Our materials are waterproof and durable, meaning they will never wear out like other cheaper brands. We work with you to make sure you get what you want at the quality you deserve!
We offer epoxy sports flooring that can be installed both indoors and outdoors. It provides skid resistance with a long-lasting finish, making it perfect for any facility! Call us today to find out more about how we can help your facility stay in pristine condition for years to come!
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